It was an emotional spectacle as over 2000 devotes, friends,various religious leaders from various faith gathered at the Mines International Exhibition & Convention Centre to pay tribute to the life and teaching of Great Sree Sree Sai Baba who left us on 24/4/2011, inspired millions of followers around the world as he taught about human values and inter-faith unity. Among those present were Rev Ratana from the Buddhist Maha Vihara,Dr John Gurusamy of the Council of Churches of Malaysia,Dr Kamar Oniah Kamaruzaman of the International Islamic University & Muthu Kumara Gurukkal, a religious advisor to the Malaysia Hindu Sanggam. Sree Sree Sai Baba's teachings
Organised by the Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia, the memorial - :Sai Lives in Our Hearts". According to Council President, Prof Dr Suresh Govind, the Sai organisation in Malaysia dedicates itself to the elevation of human values, selfless service and nation building. He further added that "we work towards the promotion of national unity and inter religious harmony by deploying service activities to the poor and needy. This is the call by Sree Sree Sai Baba who encouraged his followers to reach out to those in hardship, regardless of race, religion or culture.
The Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia oversees over 30 outreach programmes organised by 80 Sai centres nationwide. For further info: email: or call 6017-657 1527
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