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Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by godman » Mon Sep,08, 2003 9:42 pm
Before independence, Chennai had more no. of Telugu people than Tamilians. What we feel is that Chennai should be returned to Andhra once again. What\'s your view? Be frank and come out please.godman
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Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by pakka hyderabadi » Mon Sep 08, 2003 9:54 pm
Then where would the Tamilians go? In the Bay of Bengal? Give me your views. How can somebody get an idea like this?pakka hyderabadi
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Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by Ramesh » Mon Sep 08, 2003 10:56 pm
I too agree with Pakka Hyderabadi. But the views can be expressed in a softer way. I don\'t think there\'s any requirement for Chennai as far as the people of AP are concerned. We have Hyderabad, and we can make it greater and more valuable than Chennai. That\'s the kind of spirit we need to have. We already had a very big bargain and that is the Tirupati temple. Even now the Tamils will be jealous about it and want it \"annexed\" by Tamil Nadu. But of course, it is ours.Ramesh
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Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by Mayavi Morpheus » Tue Sep 09, 2003 12:13 am
Do you know that Chennai had 96% Telugu population before independance, but the Andhra Govt. (not AP govt) decided to have Tirupati in favour of Chennai as Tirupati brought more revenue to the state [The choice was either Tirupathi or Chennai, not both]? Also, we already had one big city - HYDERABAD and there was no need for Chennai.May the Fries be with you!Mayavi Morpheus
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Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by a proud indian » Tue Sep 09, 2003 8:21 am
Ever heard of \'kaamnahin so kukdi kaajal pakdi\'? Chadvu ko ra naana ani school ki panpisthe evaritho ellla tagaadalu pettukovali anedi nerchukoni vachava, godman? Hey, c\'mon, leave all these issues of separate Telangana, and let\'s have Chennai to ourselves, etc etc. What you have, make the best use of it and make them work better for you, yaar! Why waste so much money, time and what not on these issues? Instead, let\'s use these resources along with all this passion and energy to better what we have. Let\'s unite as Indians rather than a Telangana, a Brahmin, a BC, an SC, ST or whatever! We are Indians, let us be so.a proud indian
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Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by ENKATESULU JUVALU » Fri Sep 19, 2003 1:07 pm
Unnecessary issue but there are things that the Telugus ought learn from them. For them everything is Tamil, i.e. Mother is Tamil, milk is Tamil, land is Tamil. Even though Telugus are more than the Tamil in India, and outside India. Tamil is more known/used than Telugu, i.e. BBC has no Telugu news. On the internet the word mother is not in Telugu but in Tamil. Yes, it is in many more aspects too the same.
Let\'s speak more Telugu, print our call cards/pamphlets/leaflets etc. in Telugu too and be more united.
Jai Telugu Thali! Be proud. Telugu first, then an Indian.
Enkatesulu Juvalu, Malaysia.ENKATESULU JUVALU
Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by Andhraite » Fri Sep 19, 2003 2:30 pm
I don\'t agree with you friend. I\'m INDIAN first, then a Telugu!!! If every one thinks the way I feel, then there will be less casteism, racism, and regionalism. That\'s the way I like it.Andhraite
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Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by peeping tom » Sat Sep 20, 2003 6:15 pm
I am sorry Mayavi, but the Telugu population in Chennai was 98%, not 96% as mentioned by you.peeping tom
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Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by raju » Sat Sep 20, 2003 6:18 pm
Any idea what the Telugu population in Hyderabad is these days?raju
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Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by Ravi » Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:41 pm
Down the line we do not know whether Hyderabad will be with Andhra or Telengana or will it be a common capital like Chandigarh. Forget about Chennai!Ravi
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Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by raju » Mon Sep 22, 2003 7:55 pm
I think very soon we need to ask Pakistan also to give Karachi and Lahore back to us. Let them keep the Northern Frontier which will be no good to us (it is full of crazy terrorists).raju
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Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by Mayavi Morpheus » Tue Sep 23, 2003 2:21 am
I am planning to ask US for its entire territory. Columbus set out to find India and found America instead. So, logically US should belong to India as he thought it was India.May the Fries be with you!Mayavi Morpheus
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Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by godman » Sun Sep 28, 2003 9:21 pm
20% Marwadis, 10% Punjabis, 20% Maharashtrians, 10% Bengalies, 10% Oriyas, 15% Telugus, 10% (Tamil+Malayalies), 05% Other Indians - this is more of a mysterious crowd.godman
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Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by JustaLittleUnwell » Tue Sep 30, 2003 7:34 pm
Hi all, first time on this board. A little about myself - a Telugu who grew up in Chennai and belongs to a family that has been settled in Tamil Nadu for generations. However, I\'ve been living in Hyderabad for the last 10 years, and hence am entitled to the title \'Hyderabadi\' (I hope).
Regarding this discussion about \'returning\' Chennai to AP (returning within quotes, because normally it applies when a property goes back to its original owner, which is not the case here, as AP never owned Chennai), I\'m not sure if the premise is right that 96% / 98% of Chennai-ites were Telugu during independence. Probably they outnumbered Tamilians at some point in history. Yet, they are culturally very different from the Telugus in AP. They speak a language which no one can understand .
Extending this logic, Mumbai should get integrated with Gujarat, Delhi should become a part of Punjab and so on. I guess proposals like these may not find wide acceptance. I hope to be posting a lot of messages (I have a lot of time to kill ) and hope to make a lot of friends here.
Cheers!Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans - John LennonJustaLittleUnwell
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Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by Raju » Wed Oct 01, 2003 10:22 pm
Hi Justa! Nnot one but 8 Crores of people in this world understand Tamil which includes India, Srilanka, Singapore, Malaisia, UK and USA. It is one of the most widespread in the whole world. Even the Hyderabad city has a population of 5 lakh Tamils who live peacefully.Raju
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Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by Ashwin » Thu Oct 02, 2003 12:50 am
Hi All,
I have a question regarding the Open Universities in Hyderabad. I want to do a degree in Business. Will the degree from an open university have any value after graduation? Will it be equal to other Universities\' degrees?Ashwin
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Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by » Thu Oct 02, 2003 12:51 am
Haha! Posted on WRONG BOARD. Sorry!Registered User
Chennai should be returned to Andhra Pradesh
by JustaLittleUnwell » Thu Oct 02, 2003 2:16 pm
Correction, brother. I never said no one understands Tamil. So your statistic about 8 crore Tamilians is probably redundant.
If you read my post carefully, you\'ll realize that I was referring to the Telugus from Chennai (just like myself), when I said they speak a language (i.e. their version of Telugu) which no one else understands.
Hope this clears the air up.Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans - John LennonJustaLittleUnwell
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User talk:Unknown FG
1 hour ago
good discussion buddies.
ReplyDeletebut dont have hatredness or dislike for any one buddies as it leads to our own destruction . tamil and telugu are dravidian sister languages .yes chennai used to be chennapattanam previously but then TIRUPATHI is a tamil name ( thiru = sri and pathi= pathi, sripathi ) so vaddu manaku dweshamu.
let it be there. chennai tirupathi andarivi.
as Enkatesulu sir said that TAMILS LOVE THEIR TONGUE .