Nyssa, Oregon
54 minutes ago
Way back in 1971 when I was 16 years old and studying in Form 4 at SM Khir Johari, Sungai Sumun, Hutan Melintang, Perak.my school badminton partner Sri Naidu who is now living in Kuala Trengganu known as Risal Naidu and I made an attempt to see the Headmaster who was then En. Ismail bin ...... to allow the POL classes for Telugu language. But before we went to see Dr Iswar who was then was in Form 1 assisted to gather details of all Telugu students of the school then. The Headmaster briefed us that there is no allocation or budget or lot to allow teaching of Telugu language as POL. However, he promised us that he would write to the Education Departments concern. Hence, in the 1972 the starts of teaching POL classes begin for Telugu language around the country where ever there was request by at least 15 students/ parents for teaching Telugu POL classes.
From very first day, I was one who prepared the TAM Constitution from the Draft given by Dr A. C Apparao who was then President. I was then the newly formed Klang branch chairman. Later Late R. P Ramulu then the General Treasurer was also involved in the further preparation and approval of constitution. From 1955 till 1983 the association was operating from the address: N0 41, 25th mile, Bagan Datoh,Perak. We also transfer TAM HQ from Bagan Datoh to Udarama Complex, Jalan Ipoh, 50350 Kuala Lumpur.
Dr Paul Naidu , President and myself (Enkatesulu Juval) represented at above meeting held 10 -11/ 9/2005 at the Jubilee Hall, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. The guest of honour was Dr Y S Rajasekhara Reddy, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. Almost 50 Telugu Associations including Malaysia participated in a two day convention at Hyderabad,AP. Mainly discussed to propagate Telugu language, Culture ie to celebrate Ugadi,Sankranti and AP Formation Day.
1997, when Sri M E Maniam was the temple chairman and I was then Assistant General Secretary of TAM cum Chairman of Sabak Bernam Branch played the important role in the registration process of "Sree Venkateswara Alayamu Devotees Association", Teluk Bharu Village, Sungai Sumun, Hilir Perak, Perak and registration referance is(PPP/PK.292/97(4),PPP/PK.27/97(Registration No.1596) as to promote the temple,religion, co-operation in religious activities, bhajans and etc among the devotees of the temple and the Telugu Association of Malaysia.
Telugu Association of Malaysia's 38th Biennial Delegates Conference.
Date : Sunday 19th December, 2010
Time : 8.30am to 5.00pm
Venue : Dewan Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah, Jalan Tanjung Malim - Silim River, Tanjung Malim, Perak.
(New venue) Kindly use Berang Toll Exit).
Chief Guest of honour : YB Dato' Ahmad Shabery Cheek
4thTAM Youth Biennial Delegates Conference
Date : Saturday 18th December, 2010
Time : 2.30pm to 5.30pm
Venue : Stadium Proton City, Jalan Silim Lama Tanjung Malim Perak.
Guest of honour : YB P.Kamalanathan KMN,PJK, APR, MIPR
Ahli Parlimen,Hulu Selangor
4th TAM Mahila Biennial Delegates Conference
Date : Saturday 18th December, 2010
Time : 2.30pm to 6.00pm
Venue : Dewan Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah, Jalan Tanjung Malim - Silim River, Tanjung Malim, Perak. (Kindly use Berang Toll Exit)
Guest of honour : YB Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil
All are cordially invited
Closing Ceremony of TAM Moral Camp 2010
Date : Saturday 18th December, 2010
Time : 10.00am to 2.00pm
Venue : Kem PLKN Pelangi Hill Resort, Kerling, Hulu Selangor.
Dinner organised by TAM Ulu Bernam Branch
Date : Saturday 18th December, 2010
Time : 7.30pm to 11.0pm
Venue : Stadium Proton City, Jalan Silim Lama Tanjung Malim, Perak.
Your attendance will make the function more merrier.
(Chandramukhi 2)
Venkatesh, Anushka, Richa Gangopadhyay, Sradha Das, Poonam Kaur, Suji
Sentul Cinema Kuala Lumpur Tel:03-4042 7525
Show Times:
Dec 17th Premier Show at 9.00pm
Dec 18th – 3:00 pm, 6:00 pm, 9:00 pm
Dec 19th – 3:00 pm, 6:00 pm. 9.00 pm
Venkat: 016 2154 097
Second Time in Malaysia A Telugu Movie Releasing on the Same Day India & USA
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