The First TAM Life Membership Certificate No 0001 issued to Me
The Association was first formed in Lower Perak, Perak on 17th August 1955 under the banner of Malaya Andhra Sangamu. Subsequently it was renamed on 16th December 1963 to Malaysia Andhra Sangamu.
Later in the 1983, it was established as Persatuan Telugu Malaysia(TAM) and which otherwise also known as Telugu Association of Malaysia. This was passed at the Annual General Meeting of Andhra Association of Malaysia held at Klang in the year 1982. This was done for the simple reason that could allow all the other Telugus besides who came from Andhra Pradesh to join the Telugu Association too.
From very first day, I was one who prepared the TAM Constitution from the Draft given by Dr A. C Apparao who was then President. I was then the newly formed Klang branch chairman.
Later Late R. P Ramulu then the General Treasurer was also involved in the further preparation and approval of constitution. From 1955 till 1983 the association was operating from the address: N0 41, 25th mile, Bagan Datoh,Perak. We also transfer TAM HQ from Bagan Datoh to Udarama Complex, Jalan Ipoh, 50350 Kuala Lumpur.
Klang branch was the first branch to conduct Biennial Delegate Conference just after renaming as Telugu Association Malaysia and all the branch life members were issued Life Membership Certificates.
And I was issued the first Life Membership as my Certificate No.OOO1