Sunday, February 22, 2009
From 1968-1992 Telugu language was offered as an optional subject in LCE/PMR and MCE examinations in accordance to the Article 152(1)(b) of the Federal Constitution guarantees to teach or learn any other language. This goes back to the hard work of the Andhra Association of Malaysia(AAM)committee,then and to especially Sri M .D Somunaidu,General Secretary,then who serviced almost 25 years as General Secretary.
But it was strange that Telugu language classes were not conduct at any primary or secondary schools like Tamil and Chinese classes were conducted.
In 1971 when I was in Form 4 at SM Khir Johari, Sungai Sumun, Hutan Melintang, school badminton partner Sri Naidu who is now living in Kuala Trengganu known as Risal Naidu and I made an attempt to see the Headmaster who was then En. Ismail bin ...... to allow the POL classes for Telugu language. But before we went to see Dr Iswar who was then was in Form 1 or 2 assisted to gather details of all Telugu students of the school then.
The Headmaster briefed us that there is no allocation or budgar or lot to allow teaching of Telugu language as POL. However, he promised us that he would write to the Education Departments concern.
Hence, in the 1972 the start of teaching POL classes begin for Telugu language around the country where ever there was request by at least 15 students/ parents for teaching Telugu POL classes.
AAM or later known as TAM was or is still encouraging Telugu students to take up Telugu classes.
With the beginning of Telugu POL classes, there were also other activities such as ‘Bahasa Telugu’ clubs and Ugadi celebrations were established in the schools. I believe one of the first chairmen of such club was Sri R. Krishnamorthy (MBF) for SM Khir Johari, Sungai Sumun.
Whereas, in the year of 2004, Telugu POL classes were denied in Kedah/ Perak states thus I have being the General Secretary of TAM, then wrote and followed up about the issue to the Education Department and other departments concerned until it was again sanctioned.
Again in the year of 2006, Telugu POL classes were denied in Perak state hence I did the follow-ups to the Education Department and other departments concern until it was again sanctioned.
We only ask our mother-tongue which was here prior to independence and after independence till 1992 to be reinstated in PMR/SPM examination so that Telugu language and culture will not be decimated. Loss of Telugu language and culture will be a dent to the rich cultural heritage of Malaysia.
So, by including Telugu language in PMR/SPM it will facilitate our efforts immensely and it will spur us further in the promotion of Telugu language and the students too will be motivated to take the subject.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Uniformity of Telugu spellings in English
i) Ugadi, Ugadhi, Ugathi, Ugadthi as Ugadi
ii) Telugu, Thelugu,Telegu,Thenngalu, as Telugu
iii) Shri,Sri, Shree, Sree Shri as Sri
Could be more of such words but We,Telugus should write one spelling of any one subject.
There should probably some Govt. Department from Andhra Pradesh to come out or if there is any such Glossary of Telugu spellings in English to be placed online for reference.
I did that when I was the General Secretary of Telugu Association of Malaysia
a "GLOSSARY OF MALAYSIA TELUGU SANGAMU" and some of it is as follows:
1 Bhogi ------ Eve / day before Saakranti festival
2 Sankranti ------ Harvest Festival/Makar Sankranti/Pongal
3 Ugadi ------ Ugadhi/Ugadthi/Ugathi/ Telugu New Year Day
4 Sri ------ Sree/Shri/Shree/Sri
5 Deepavali ------ Festival of Lights/ Diwali
6 Telugu ------ Thelugu,Telegu,Thenngalu,
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
'Telugu must in all offices'
95 p.c. implementation in Nizamabad: Language panel chief
Srikakulam, Chittoor districts placed second and third respectively
A.B. K. Prasad for steps to implement Telugu in full by February-end
KADAPA: Nizamabad district is ‘numero uno’ in the State with a 95 per cent record in implementation of Telugu in all official correspondence followed by Srikakulam and Chittoor districts in the second and third place, Official Language Commission Chairman A.B.K. Prasad, said on Wednesday.
Four districts were implementing Telugu in official correspondence, Mr. Prasad told newsmen here. Quoting official claims, he said implementation of Telugu as official language was 66 per cent in Kadapa district and exhorted the officials to strive for increasing it to over 80 per cent.
Lauding district Collector M.T. Krishna Babu’s directive two days ago, to mandatorily forward all note files to him in Telugu, he said the official concerned responded positively though belatedly. The Commission would forward a report to the government suggesting action on districts which fail to enforce the official language.
The commission chairman complimented the district panchayat office for ensuring 85 per cent implementation of Telugu in its official correspondence. He lauded the efforts of Khader Basha, administrative officer in district panchayat office, though Telugu was not his mother tongue.
He advised other government departments in the district to emulate the district panchayat office.
Mr. A.B.K. Prasad was chief guest at the ‘Telugu Vikasam’ programme, a competition conducted for junior and senior assistants and supervisory staff in drafting note file in Telugu at Kalakshetram here.
British days
Addressing a meeting in the evening, Mr. A.B.K. Prasad recalled that British officers such as Charles Phillip Brown, Thomas Munroe and MacKenzie ensured all official correspondence in Telugu one-and-a-half century ago, for the understanding of the common man, but the penchant to use English has increased in recent times.
Official language was being effectively implemented in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Maharashtra, but not so vigorously in Andhra Pradesh, he lamented.
Cautioning that lack of frequent use would lead to diminishing influence of a language, he said IAS and IPS officers should follow the stipulation of adhering to all correspondence in native language of any State within an year of their posting.
He wanted steps to ensure improvement in the implementation of Telugu by end of February. District Revenue Officer K. Madhusudan, said in his report, that implementation of official language was 81 per cent in Kadapa Collectorate and 82 per cent in the SP’s office, and the district average was 66 per cent. Efforts were on to draft land acquisition notices in Telugu, he said.
Poor implementation
The chairman lamented poor implementation of Telugu at 25 per cent in the Social Welfare and School Education Departments, 12 per cent in Annamayya project and five per cent in Galeru Nagari Sujala Sravanthi project.
The State government’s service rules, a dictionary and 10 other books would be released in Telugu soon, he said. He gave away prizes to winners of the note file drafting and elocution contests. Joint Collector M. Girijasankar, Zilla Parishad CEO Venkataswamy and DEO G.A. Hemanath, Yogi Vemana University Head of Telugu Department Rachapalem Chandrasekhar Reddy participated.
Courtesy: The Hindu
TELUGU...a language sweeter than honey
"dESa bhAshalaMdu telugu lessa" - tuLuva rAju SrI kRshNadEvarAya
Telugu is the sweetest of all Indian languages - Great Tuluva Emperor Sri Krishnadeva Raya, 16th Century
"suMdara teluMgiL paaTisaitu" - SrI subrahmaNya bhArati
Let us sing in Sweet Telugu - by Tamil poet Sri Subrahmanya Bharati, 20th Century
Grim translation scenario not helping Classical Telugu
Telugu may have attained classical language status, but very few people will get to read any of its literary texts, if current translation trends continue. At present, translation of Telugu literary works is taken up sporadically, and that too only into English and not Indian vernacular languages.
In view of the recently accorded classical language status for Telugu and Kannada languages as well as the establishment of a Translation Mission of India, a ninth CLAI (Comparative Literature Association of India) biennial international conference being held at the University of Hyderabad acquires significance.
Speaking of the grim Telugu translation scenario, M Sridhar, a Telugu translator and professor of English in the University says, "Given a choice, people would prefer reading Adiga or Chomsky novels rather than Chaya Devi or Raavi Shastry. Texts and literature sourced from English are still perceived as windows to the world." Most other Indian languages face a similar situation, he added.
Market dynamics go against cross vernacular translations, so publishers and authors are also drawn to higher sales and wider exposure that English provides. Then there is the problem of publishers playing favourites when selecting the recipient language, with Kannada, Oriya and Bengali being popular languages.
"Translation can be an important medium of networking the country and also gives an insight into the linguistic heritage and shared values of different regions," says Tutun Mukherjee, head, department of Comparative Literature in the University of Hyderabad adding that the conference will also take up travel writing, literature of the marginalised, tribal literature, philosophy, religion and women's writing.
However, recent Central government grant of Rs 90 crores to the Mission towards translation of knowledge-based texts into 23 vernacular languages is raising hopes of translators.
Andhra Pradesh: 5 walled cities from 300 B.C. unearthed
Andhras flourished during the time of Chandragupta Maurya much before the advent of the Satavahanas, and were said to be as powerful as Mauryans. They had 30 fortified walled cities way back in 300 BC, wrote the Greek traveller Megasthenes in his Indika. In what could be an exciting discovery, the State Department of Archaeology and Museums has identified five of those 30 walled cities.
The Department has found physical evidence proving Megasthenes right and by the same token –– throwing light on the existence of Andhras and Telugu language before the Satavahana period. The study is part of a project taken up to find the 30 walled cities mentioned by the Greek traveller and historian in his travelogue.
‘‘Though the Andhras were mentioned in books dating back to 1,000 BC, we have physical evidence like coins and pottery only from the Satavahana period (200 BC - 200 AD). Our research based on Indika of Megasthenes strengthens the theory that the Andhras existed before the Satavahanas.
Excavation of these sites will provide more physical evidence on history, administration, language, customs and traditions of our ancestors,’’ said P Chenna Reddy, Director of Archaeology and Museums Department.
Megasthenes is believed to have visited India as an Ambassador of Seleucus I of Syria to the court of Chandragupta Maurya around 305 BC.
In Indika, Megasthanes indicates that the Andhra (mentioned as Andarae) kings belonged to a powerful race and possessed an army of 100,000 infantry, 2,000 cavalry, 1,000 elephants and had 30 well-built fortified towns.
With Telugu obtaining classical language status, the project assumes importance and is likely to give an insight into its origins and the historical existence of Andhras. The officials have so far examined 18 sites with historical importance and singled out five.
Archaeologists recovered bricks, pottery, coins and other evidence from these sites at Dhoolikatta, Kotilingala (both Karimnagar district), Satanikota (Kurnool district), Dharanikota (Amaravathi) and Bodhan (Nizamabad district).
The project was taken up in October, 2005 and efforts are on to identify the remaining Megasthanes towns in Andhra Pradesh as well as at a few places in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh and Tamil Nadu.
copied from:
Monday, February 16, 2009
Establishment of Andhra or Telugu Association of Malaysia Klang Branch
In fact, we invited Mr A. Appana Naidu who was then working around PM Department, Shah Alam to head the committee who later declined after one or two committee meetings as he was transfered back to K.Lumpur/KK. After which I headed the protem committee.
The Branch was registered on 23th April, 1982 and a new life was energized into the Klang Branch. And in 1983 as Andhra Association of Malaysia was renamed as Telugu Association of Malaysia for simple reason to allow Telugus who migrated from other states of India or any other countries besides Andhra Pradesh could also join the Association.
Upon this new rebirth the Branch took on many activities and it has progressed well to become a good concentration of many Telugus in the Klang/ Shah Alam area,then.
I was the first chairman of this 18th registered Klang branch from 1982 till 1986. Some remarkable activities were spearheaded by my committee and some of them as follows:-
In the same year Klang hosted Annual General Meeting of Andhra Association of Malaysia. It was at this Annual Meeting that the new name Telugu Association of Malaysia was tabled and passed besides the change of annual meeting to be conducted as Biennial Meetings. The Report and Accounts submission of Silver Jubilee Celebrations & 2nd World Telugu Conference held from 14 till 19 April,1981 at Civic Centre, Petaling Jaya was also done at this Annual General Meeting in Klang.
In the year 1983 - MIC Taman Gembira, Klang /Kerala Samanjam Klang Branch /TAM Klang branch jointly organised “Malam Nirava" culturely show.
In 1984 a “Lucky Draw” Lottery was launched to raise funds for the purpose of buying a building for the Klang Branch. The event raised a good sum of RM 10,900 and it remained as a Building Fund in the Book Keeping Entries.
In 1985 the Branch helped Telugu Association Malaysia (TAM) headquarters to organize a dinner to honour MIC President, Dato Seri Samy Velu for his 50 years birthday at the Dewan Hamzah,Klang.
• Ugadi celebrations& Bhajans and devotional activities at members homes on rotation.
• Regular committee meetings to discuss on current issues at hand.
• Telugu classes conducted by Mr Rama(Banting)& Membership drives to gather new members.
• Get together sessions amongst members and members’ families.
Although the Klang Branch took its real active life form in 1982 onwards but we must not forget to mention there was this Andhra Association of Malaysia Klang District branch being officially registered on 22nd April 1971 with its official address at 759, Jalan Rasah, Pandamaran New Village, Port Swettenham, Selangor under chairmanship Sri Narayanasamy Reddy, PPM, PJK. At that particular time Sri Narayanasamy Reddy was a Chief Clerk at the Majlis Perbandaran Klang. However the earlier branch was deregistered on establishment Klang Branch.
When I was then the newly formed Klang branch chairman was one of those besides Dr. A C Apprao, then the President and Late R. P Ramulu then the General Treasurer who were involved in the preparation and approval of constitution and even shifting the HQ address from which was registered at N0 41, 25th mile, Bagan Datoh,Perak or Ipoh office (ROS)registration to Kuala Lumpur.
Besides, I was also able obtained permission from Ministry of Home Affairs(KDN newspaper permit) for circulation newspaper for Telugus in the Telugu/ English language for Nokiah Gary, then the Secretary General of TAM.
Last year after 25 years,Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Klang branch were grandly conducted.
British rule in Andhra had both positive and negative aspects.
On the positive side of the coin, we have eminent people like
Charles Philip Brown who rejuvenated the Telugu literature.
Charles Phillip Brown's father Reverend David Brown, a Christian
missionary, came to Calcutta in 1786. Reverend Brown learned several
Indian languages to understand the culture and religion. Charles
was the second son of Browns, born on November 10, 1798. The family
went back to England after the death of Reverend Brown. Charles
studied Sanskrit in college with an aim to work for East India
Company and obtained a gold medal in Sanskrit Studies. East India
Company sent him to Chennai (Madras).
Charles arrived in Chennai on 4th August 1817. At that time he
didn't even know that there existed a language and nationality
called Telugu or Andhra, just like anybody outside India even
today. He joined St. George College to learn Telugu from
Kodandarama Pantulu. He became proficient in Telugu within sixteen
months at the time when Telugu Pundits didn't know any English at
In 1820 Sir Thomas Monroe came to Chennai as governor and
ordered that every official in the Company should be proficient in
the local language and perform their duties in the local national
language. (Compare the situation today: Many officials feel shy to
speak in Telugu in State government offices. Central government
officials have a right not to speak Telugu. Even the kirana merchant
in Hyderabad looks at you like an idiot villager if you speak in
Telugu. English or Hindi or Urdu works wonders in Hyderabad, the
Capital City of Telugus).
Charles started his career in Kadapa (Cuddapa) as an assistant
to the Collector, Mr. Han Bury. The collector used to speak very
fluent Telugu. (Many collectors in Andhra Pradesh today are non-
Telugus and don't speak Telugu at all.) Mr. Bury became the role
model for Charles. Charles tried to emulate him. Charles Brown
established two schools in Kadapa and arranged for free education in
Telugu and Hindi with Indian teachers. He arranged for free meals to
the school children. He also started two more schools in
Machilipattanam, with free food for students.
He got interested in Vemana's literature in 1824. He studied
Vemana's and other Telugu literature, and Telugu meter and grammar
under the guidance of Venkatasivasastri Tippabhatla and
Advaitabrahmasastri Vatthyam. Charles Brown was transferred to
Rajamundri in 1825. He continued his study of Telugu literature. He
collected the written scripts of Telugu Kavyas (poems) that were on
the verge of extinction. He hired some copyists/writers
(raayasagaallu) to prepare fresh copies. He reprinted Andhra
Mahabharatamu and Andhra Mahabhagavatamu. He found a shelter for
the destitute Goddess Telugu Saraswati and was able to redecorate
her like a married Indian woman.
He went to London on vacation (during 1835-38) and collected
2,106 hand written books in South Indian Languages from the India
House Library and sent them back to Chennai Library. He edited and
published several Telugu and Sanskrit books after he came back from
London. He collected sayings, stories, poems etc. that were popular
at that time among common population. He also wrote several grammar
books and learning materials for English people who were interested
in learning Telugu. Madras Oriental Library hoards several of C. P.
Brown works.
Charles Brown spent his own money for the development of Telugu
and even took loans for the same. He saved every penny for the
development of Telugu. Even in the tough financial times he didn't
give up his Telugu development programs. He retired in 1854 and
settled in London. He worked at London University as Telugu
Professor for some time. He died in 1884 on December 12 at the age
of eighty-seven. His selfless service to Telugus and their culture
and literature is unparalleled even among Telugus. Every Telugu
Indian should remember his services to Telugu culture and its
Hanumachchastri Janamaddi says, "minuku minuku mantunna Telugu
waangmayadeepaanni snehasiktam chesi prajwalimpachesina
aandhrabhashodhdhaarakudu C. P. Brown." (C. P. Brown, the savior of
Telugu Culture and Literature, rekindled the dying lamp of Telugu
literature with his friendship and service.)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Constitution of Telugu Association of Malaysia
Later in the 1983, it was established as Persatuan Telugu Malaysia(PTM) and which otherwise also known as Telugu Association of Malaysia. This was done for the simple reason that could allow other Telugus besides who came from Andhra Pradesh to join the Telugu Association too.
From very first day when it was renamed, I was then the newly formed Klang branch chairman was one of them besides Dr. A C Apprao, then the President and Late R. P Ramulu then the General Treasurer who were involved in the preparation and approval of constitution and even shifting the HQ address from which was registered at N0 41, 25th mile, Bagan Datoh,Perak or Ipoh office (ROS)registration to Kuala Lumpur.
Even later when Mr B. Murthy then Deputy President/later President and myself then General Secretary later Vice President were involved when amendments were done two times which included another name as Malaysia Telugu Sangamu.
And it is during Sri B. Murthy as the President and I being the General Secretary that formation of Youths/Mahila(women) sections were formed and two Vice Presidents (one from Youth & one from Mahila)were appointed as allowed by the Constitution which is no more in pratice or followed.
As there has been requests off and on about the below, I believe this could the serve the purpose.
(i) The name of the Association shall be Persatuan Telugu Malaysia (MALAYSIA TELUGU SANGAMU) hereinafter referred to as the “Persatuan”
(ii) The registered address of the Persatuan shall be 9-1A. Jalan 1/64A, Off Jalan Ipoh, 50350 Kuala Lumpur, which shall not be changed without the prior approval of the Registrar of Societies.
(iii) The place of meeting of the Persatuan shall be at such a place as may be determined by the Central Executive Committee.
(i) To promote, preserve and safeguard the Telugu Language.
(ii) To promote and safeguard the linguistic, educational, economic, social, cultural, spiritual and religious interests of the members.
(iii) To create a sense of solidarity and fraternity amongst the members of the Telugu Community as well as other communities in Malaysia.
(iv) The Central Executive Committee shall be authorized on behalf of the Persatuan to invest in any appropriate authorized and approved financial institutes or organizations including companies and co-operatives.
(i) Any Malaysian citizen of Telugu Origin who has attained the age of 18 years and who subscribes to the objectives of the Persatuan shall be eligible for membership either as an Ordinary or a Life Member.
(ii) Associate Membership which may be open to residents in Malaysia other than Telugu Malaysian citizens of at least 18 years old who subscribe to the objectives of the Persatuan.
(iii) Honorary Membership which may be conferred by unanimous vote of the Central Executive Committee on persons who have rendered distinguished services to the Persatuan.
(i) Application for membership or transfer of membership shall be made on prescribed forms and submitted to the Branch Secretary of the Persatuan nearest to the place of residence of applicant or to the Central Executive Committee.
(ii) All applications for membership shall be processed by the Executive Committee of the respective branches and submitted to the Honorary General Secretary with recommendations. The Central Executive Committee shall be vested with powers to approve or reject such applications. Where no branches have been established shall be dealt with in the same way by the Honorary General Secretary and the Central Executive Committee.
(iii) Copies of particulars of all new members enrolled shall be forwarded by the Branch secretary to the Honorary General Secretary of the Persatuan one (1) month before the Biennial General Meeting of the respective Branch on or before 31st March.
(iv) The entrance fees for all categories of membership shall be Ringgit Malaysia Ten (RM 10.00) per member to be submitted with the application forms to the Central Executive Committee Meeting or Central Working Committee Meeting.
(i) The subscription for Ordinary Membership shall be Ringgit Malaysia (RM 20.00) for a biennial term and Life Membership Ringgit Malaysia Two Hundred (RM 200.00).
(ii) The subscription for Joint Life Membership for husband and wife shall be Ringgit Malaysia Three Hundred (RM 300).
(iii) The subscription for Ordinary Membership shall be for a Biennial term which expires by the end of 31st December of the following year. An Ordinary member who is in arrears of subscription for a period of three months after the expiry date shall cease to be a member.
(iv) The subscription for Associate Membership shall be RM 10.00 per annum.
(v) The subscription for Ordinary and Associate Membership shall be payable in full together with the application. All subscription fees are not refundable.
(vi) Any applicant for Life Membership who fails to pay the subscription in full within the 20 months shall forfeit any sum paid and in such event shall cease to be a member of the Persatuan. (vii) Special subscription or levies for particular purpose may be raised from members by resolutions of the Biennial Delegates Conference.
Any member who wishes to resign from the Persatuan shall give two weeks notice in writing to his/her Branch Secretary and shall pay up all dues. In such event he/she shall not be entitled to any benefits and or refund of any money paid by him/her to the Persatuan.
(i) Ordinary and Life Members shall:-
(a) have the right to speak, nominate and be nominated and vote at General Meetings of their respective Branch of the Persatuan.
(b) be a beneficiary of all assets owned by the Persatuan.
(c) have the right to take part in all activities organized by the Persatuan for the benefit of the members at large.
(d) receive a copy of by-laws of the Persatuan.
(e) receive a Life Membership Certificate and a Membership Card.
(ii) Associate/ Honorary Members shall not be eligible to vote or hold office in the Persatuan but may participate in all activities of the Persatuan.
The Central Executive Committee shall cause a register of members with particulars of each member to be maintained by the Honorary General Secretary and the Secretary of each Branch. RULE 9 BIENNIAL DELEGATES CONFERENCE
(i) For the purpose of this rule, “an unattached member”, means the member of Persatuan who is not a member of any Branch and a ‘member delegate’ means a delegate elected by the Central Working Committee.
(ii) The Supreme authority of the Persatuan shall be vested in Biennial Delegates Conference which shall be held before 30th June or on a date and at a place to be fixed by the Biennial Delegates Conference or Central Executive Committee consisting of members of Central Working Committee ,Branches and Member delegates.
(iii) Only delegates duly qualified under Rule 9(iv),(v) and (vi) shall be eligible to attend the Biennial Delegates Conference.
(iv) The Branch members who attended their respective branch General Biennially Meeting are automatic delegates for the forth coming Biennial Delegates Conference. Any discrepancy in the election of any Branch shall affect only that particular Branch and shall not in anyway affect the validity of the Biennial Delegates Conference of the Persatuan.
(v) The members’ delegate shall be elected biennially by the Central Working Committee and shall be eligible for re-election.
(vi) Delegates shall have valid membership with the Persatuan in order to qualify to be nominated, to nominate, second and vote for any candidate in the election of the Central Working Committee or to be eligible to attend the Delegates Conference. Each delegate at the conference is entitled to one vote only.
(vii) Notwithstanding Rule 9 (iii) hereinabove any member of the Persatuan may, with the written consent of the Central Working Committee be present during the proceedings of the Delegates Conference as an observer and he or she shall not speak and vote.
(viii) Business of the Biennial Delegates Conference:-
(a) to receive and adopt the Biennial report.
(b) to receive and adopt the audited statements of account of the previous
two years.
(c) to elect office bearers for the Central Working Committee for the ensuing term.
(d) to consider the reports submitted by the Branches.
(e) to appoint Two Honorary Auditors with accounting knowledge for the ensuing term.
(f) to decide on any matter or any resolutions duly submitted by the branches to the Biennial Delegates Conference of which due notice of at least 14 days has been given in writing to the Honorary General Secretary.
(g) to present for consideration any other issue which the Central Executive Committee has decided to raise.
(h) to appoint a Patron and an Adviser and shall also allow for similar appointments at Branch level.
(i) The Honorary General Secretary shall inform all delegates of the date, time and place for the Biennial Delegates Conference at least five weeks in advance.
(ii) The Honorary General Secretary shall call for resolutions and nominations for office-bearers of the Central Working Committee (duly proposed, seconded and agreed to by the delegates) for discussions four weeks prior to Biennial Delegates Conference.
(iii) The agenda for the Biennial Delegates Conference together with the
biennial report and audited statement of account shall be sent to all delegates (through the branches) at least 4 weeks before the Conference.
(iv) The quorum at the Biennial Delegates Conference shall be one-half of the total delegates or twice the total number of the Central Executive Committee Members whichever is lesser.
(v) In the event of there being no quorum the meeting shall be adjourned. The adjourned meeting shall be called within ten days at a place and time to be selected by the Central Executive Committee and the agenda shall be the same as fixed for the original Biennial Delegates Conference and if quorum is not present half an hour after the time appointed for the postponed meeting, the members present shall have power to proceed with the business of the day but they shall not have power to alter the rules of the Persatuan.
(vi) An Extraordinary Delegates Conference of the Persatuan shall be convened:-
(a) whenever the Central Executive Committee deems it desirable; or
(b) a request in writing by the Branch Executive Committee of one third
(1/3) of the Branches, or by not less than one hundred delegates
stating the objects and reasons for such meeting.
(vii) An Extraordinary Delegates Conference requisitioned by Branches or Delegates shall be convened within thirty days of the receipt of such requisition.
(viii) Notice and agenda for an Extraordinary Delegates Conference shall be forwarded by the Honorary General Secretary to all branch Secretaries and Delegates at least four weeks before the date of such meeting.
(ix) Paragraphs (iv) and (v) of this Rule regarding the quorum and the postponement of a Biennial Delegates Conference shall apply also to an Extraordinary Delegates Conference but with the proviso that if no quorum is present after half an hour from the time appointed for the Extraordinary Delegates Conference requisitioned by Branches and or unattached members such meeting shall be cancelled and no Extraordinary Delegates Conference shall be equisitioned for the same purpose until after the lapse of six months from the date thereof.
(i) The administration of the of the Persatuan shall be governed by the Central Working Committee.
(ii) The Central Working Committee shall consist of :-
(a) President
(b) Deputy President
(c) Three Vice Presidents and two appointed Vice Presidents
(d) Honorary General Secretary
(e) Two Assistant General Secretaries
(f) Honorary General Treasurer
(iii) All members of the Central Working Committee and every officer
performing executive functions in the Persatuan shall be Malaysian
(iv) The Central Working Committee shall meet as often as necessary but not
less than once in 45 days to attend to urgent matters or as directed by the
Central Executive Committee. Seven days notice shall be given for Central
Working Committee meeting unless the agenda requires other wise
(v) The quorum for meeting of the Central Working Committee shall be one
half of the total Central Working Committee Members.
(i) The Central Executive Committee shall be under the direction and control of the Delegates Conference.
(ii) The Central Executive Committee shall consist of :-
(a) President
(b) Deputy President
(c) Three Vice Presidents and two appointed Vice Presidents
(d) Honorary General Secretary
(e) Two Assistant General Secretaries
(f) Honorary General Treasurer
(g) Ordinary Executive Committee Members consisting of either the
Chairman or his representative from each Branch of the Persatuan.
(h) Five appointed Council Members as Rule 16 (i) (f).
(iii) The term of the Office of the Central Executive Committee shall be two
(iv) All members of the Central Executive Committee shall be eligible for re-
(v) Central Executive Committee shall be authorized to acquire, purchase or
lease any immovable / movable property on behalf of the Persatuan.
(vi) To do all such other lawful acts, deeds and thing as are incidental or
conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them or any
such other acts, deeds and things as may be conducive to the progress and
welfare of the Persatuan.
(vii) Central Executive Committee has the discretion to raise funds by way of borrowings from authorized financial institution/s, disposal of any of the immovable or movable property/ies of the Persatuan, raising donations and or charity for the purpose of acquiring immovable/movable properties to be used solely for the benefit of the Persatuan.
(viii) To seek affiliation with Linguistic and Cultural Association or Organization both local and abroad to promote brotherhood unity of co-operation and understanding.
(ix) Central Executive Committee has discretion to accept from Government
or any other source, purchase otherwise or occupy or acquire any land or
building which may be requisite for the purpose or conveniently used in connection with any of the objects of the Persatuan or to lease any part thereof.
(i) The Central Working Committee shall be elected by secret ballot at the
Biennial Delegates Conference.
(ii) All nomination for office bearers shall be made (duly proposed, seconded and agreed to by the nominees) 4 weeks prior to the Biennial Delegates Conference.
(iii) All the candidates contesting for Central Working Committee should have served at least one term (two years) in the Branch Executive Committee. If he/she ceased to be a member for whatever reason must fulfill this requirement again if he/she is accepted as a fresh member.
(iv) Any Branch official if elected to any post enumerated under Rule 12(ii) (a) to (f) shall vacate his/her post held at Branch level under Rule 18(b) (iii) (1) to (6) within a period of three months. (v) Serving Branch Chairmen are not eligible for Central Working Committee nominations.
The Central Executive Committee shall:-
(i) be responsible for organizing activities of the Persatuan consistent with the objectives.
(ii) receive the accounts from the Honorary General Treasurer and reports from the Honorary General Secretary, standing committees and sub-committees.
(iii) organize and conduct elections of the incoming Central Working Committee and Branches.
(iv) instruct Central Working Committee to attend to urgent matters pursuant to Rule 11 clause (iii) therein.
(v) consider and approve, all applications for formation of new Branch and to become unattached members.
(vi) co-opt any member to fill any vacancy that may occur during its term of office.
(vii) appoint and dissolve sub-committees and delegate to them such powers as it may determine. The President, Deputy president, Vice Presidents and the Honorary General Secretary of the Persatuan may sit on all such committees as ex-officio members. Sub-committees shall automatically cease to exist on the expiry of the term of office of the Central Executive Committee which appointed them.
(viii) appoint a Disciplinary committee which shall consist a minimum of three and maximum of five members to inquire into the allegations of misconduct, indiscipline or violation of Rules of the Persatuan by any member or members, and to submit a report together with the recommendations to the Central Executive Committee . Notwithstanding the recommendation of the Disciplinary Committee, the Central Executive Committee reserves the right to caution, suspend or expel any member if considered expedient.
(ix) adopt all possible measures of the implementation or objectives of the Persatuan in accordance with the constitution.
(x) exercise such powers and discharge such other duties as the constitution may for the time being provide and generally act on behalf of the Persatuan in all other matters wherein the rules or by-laws do not expressly or otherwise provide.
(xi) be vested with powers to make all decisions, and such decisions shall be by a simple majority of those present. In the event of there being a tie, the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.
(xii) regulate and supervise the proper organization and management of all branches of the Persatuan.
(xiii) establish Youth and Women’s Section and shall allow for their formation at Branch level.
(i) The Central Executive Committee shall meet at least once in every three
months. Special meetings may be called at the request of the President.
At least seven days notice of all such meetings shall be given unless the
agenda requires. All meetings shall be presided over by the President
or in his/her absence by the deputy President or one of the
elected Vice Presidents.
(ii) The quorum for meeting of the Central Executive Committee shall be one half of the total Central Executive Committee Members.
(iii) Any member of the Central Executive Committee who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Committee without satisfactory explanation shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee. Such a member shall automatically disqualify himself from contesting again for any Central Executive Post for the next Biennial term only. This clause shall also applicable to all the Branches.
(i) The President shall:-
(a) act as chairperson at all meetings and have a casting vote.
(b) represent the Persatuan either by himself/herself or through his/her
nominee from Central Executive Committee in official functions of
other organizations.
© to have the authority to countersign all bills passed by the Central
Executive Committee and in conjunction with the Honorary General
Treasurer and the Honorary General Secretary sign all cheques on
behalf of the Persatuan.
(d )to oversee office-bearers perform their duties and supervise the
general administration of the Persatuan and ensure the observance of the constitution.
(e) appoint two Vice Presidents to the Central Executive Committee
comprising of one each from the Women’s Section and Youth
Section. Members of the youth section shall not exceeding 40 years
(f) appoint five Council Members of which two shall be from the
Women’s Section.
(ii) The Deputy President shall:-
(a) take over the duties of the President in the event of his/her absence or
on the request of the President.
(b) carry out any other suitable duties assigned to him/her by the Central
Executive Committee in order to realize the objectives of the
Persatuan as stipulated under Rule 2(i) to (iv).
(iii) The Vice Presidents shall:-
(a) assist and represent the President and Deputy President when called
upon to do so.
(b) carry out any other suitable duties assigned to him/her by the Central
Executive Committee in order to realize the objectives of the Persatuan
as stipulated under Rule 2(i) to (iv).
(iv) The Honorary General Secretary shall:-
(a) keep all records (except financial) and documents of the Persatuan and
be responsible for their correctness and safety.
(b) prepare and present the biennial report on the Persatuan’s activities to
the Biennial Delegates Conference.
© convene on behalf of the Central Executive Committee all meetings
and conferences of the Persatuan, keep the minutes of such meetings
and submit the minutes for adoption at subsequent meetings.
(d) transact all correspondence as directed by the President and Central
Executive Committee.
(e) report all matters affecting the welfare of the Persatuan to the Central
Executive Committee.
(f) countersign all cheques.
(g) prepare and submit all relevant and necessary documents to the
Registrar of Societies within 60 days from the Biennial Delegates
(h) to maintain a details list of assets, gift books, documents,
souvenirs and etc received on behalf of the Persatuan.
(v) The Honorary Assistant General Secretaries shall:-
(a) assist the Honorary General Secretary to carry out his/her duty.
(b) act for the Honorary General Secretary during his/her absence.
(c) maintain a Membership Register.
(d) carry out any other suitable duties assigned to them from time to
time by the Central Executive Committee.
(vi) The Honorary General Treasurer shall:-
(a) be in charge of the finance of the Persatuan and maintain the necessary books of account.
(b) collect all subscription, donations and other monies due to the Persatuan and deposit all such collections in a bank as directed by the
Central Executive Committee.
(c) issue official receipt for all monies received on behalf of the Persatuan.
(d) pay all debts properly incurred by the Persatuan and report to the
Central Executive Committee any unauthorized debts.
(e) submit a statement of account at such meeting of Central Executive
(f) prepare and submit to the Biennial Delegates Conference the audited
statement of accounts of income and expenditure and the balance sheet
and be responsible for the correctness of the accounts.
(g) have access to the accounts of the branches, standing committee and
(h) sign with the President and Deputy President or Honorary General
Secretary all cheques issued by the Persatuan.
(vii) The Ordinary Central Executive Committee Members shall:-
(a) assist the work of the other office bearers in the running of
the Persatuan.
(b) be responsible for such work of the Persatuan as delegated to them by
the Central Executive Committee.
(viii) The Auditors shall:-
(a) audit the books of account of the Persatuan as soon as practicable after the end of the year and certify the financial statements.
(b) have access to all documents of the Persatuan in the of their duties.
(i) The financial year of the Persatuan shall be from 1st January to 31st
December of each year.
(ii) All cheques or withdrawal forms shall be signed by the Honorary General Treasurer, the President and the Deputy President or the Honorary General Secretary.
(iii) The Honorary General Treasurer is authorized not exceeding RM1000.00 as petty cash to meet incidental expenses of the Persatuan. All monies in excess of the amount shall be deposited in a Bank to be named by the Central Executive Committee.
(iv) The President, the Honorary General Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer are jointly authorized to incur expenditure on behalf of the Persatuan a sum not exceeding Ringgit Malaysia Five Thousand only at any one time.
(v) The Central Executive Committee shall have the powers to incur expenditure exceeding RM5000/- but not exceeding RM50,000/- at any one time an expenditure in excess of RM50,000/- at any time shall not be incurred without the prior sanction of a Biennial Delegates Conference.
(vi) The funds of the Persatuan may be invested in the name of the Persatuan in Government Securities, banks or in other ways as approved by the Central Executive Committee.
(vii)The accounts of the Persatuan shall be audited by the Auditors appointed
by the Biennial Delegates Conference prior to submission to the
(i) The Central Executive Committee may approve the formation of a branch of the Persatuan provided:-
(a) a request is made in writing by at least 50 voting members of whom at least 25 shall be Life Members.
(b) the existing Branch nearest to the proposed Branch has no objection.
(c) the Chairman of the Pro tem Committee shall secure prior consent in writing from the Honorary General Secretary for those wishing to collect Entrance Fees, Subscriptions or other dues for the Persatuan. It shall be unlawful for any one to collect such dues without written authority from the Honorary General Secretary.
(d) the Pro-tem Chairman must submit the Entrance Fees, the Subscriptions collected, a detailed list of people intending to join as ordinary and life members together with all the applications for membership to the Honorary General Secretary.
(ii) (a) upon the receipt of 18 (i) (a), (b)and (d), the Honorary General
Secretary shall write to the Registrar of Societies for approval of the
(b) upon receipt to the certificate of approval, the Central Executive
Committee shall request the Pro tem Committee to organize the inaugural
meeting, at which office-bearers of the Branch who must all be Life
Members shall be elected.
(c) The Central Working Committee shall be at liberty to recruit direct members who shall remain with the Persatuan as unattached members until their transfer to existing Branches. However their subscription shall not be released to the Branches.
(iii) (a) The management of each branch shall be vested in the Branch Executive Committee.
(b) The Branch Executive Committee shall consist of the following :-
1. Chairman
2. Deputy Chairman
3. Three Vice Chairmen
4. Honorary Secretary
5. Two Honorary Assistant Secretaries
6. Honorary Treasurer
7. Ordinary Executive Committee Members not exceeding 20 members
including two women committee members and two youths
committee members. The youths shall not exceed 40 years age.
(c) All the members of the Branch Executive Committee and every member performing executive functions in the Branch shall be Malaysian Citizens.
(d) The Branch Executive Committee shall be elected at the Branch Biennial General Meeting.
(e) All Branch Biennial General Meetings shall be held before April 30th with the prior approval of the Central Executive Committee. Notice of the Biennial General Meeting shall be given to all the members together with the agenda, biennial report and audited statements of account of the proceeding two years at least 4 weeks before the date of the meeting.
(f) The Business of the Biennial General Meeting shall be :-
(i) to receive and adopt the biennial report.
(ii) to receive and adopt the audited statements of accounts of the
previous two years.
(iii) to elect office bearers of the Branch Executive Committee for
the ensuing term.
(iii) to elect Delegates to the Delegates Conference in
accordance with Rule 9 (iv)
(v) to appoint two Honorary Auditors with accounting
knowledge for the ensuing term.
(vi) to decide on any matter or any resolution duly submitted by the
members of which due notice of at least 4 weeks has been given in
writing to the Honorary Branch Secretary.
(g) The Branch Executive Committee shall meet at least once a month. Special meeting may be called at the request of the Chairman. At least 7 days notice of all such meetings shall be given unless the agenda requires urgent action. All meetings shall be presided over by the Chairman or in his/her absence by the Deputy or one of the Vice Chairmen.
(h) The quorum for meeting of the Branch Executive Committee shall be one-half of the total Branch Executive Committee.
(i) Any member of the Branch Executive Committee who fails to attend three consecutive meeting of the Committee without satisfactory explanation shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee. His/her eligibility to seek re-election shall be governed by clause (ii) of Rule 15.
(j) The Branch Executive Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may occur during its term of office.
(k) An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Branch shall be convened :-
(i) whenever the Branch Executive Committee deems it desirable; or
(ii) a request in writing by not less than twenty members of the
branch, or one-third (1/3) of the voting members of the Branch
whichever is more stating the objects and reasons for such meeting.
(iii) an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened within thirty
days of the receipt of such requisition.
(iv) notice and agenda for an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be
forwarded by the Honorary Secretary to all members at least fourteen
days before the date of such meeting.
(v) the quorum of the Biennial General Meeting shall be one-half of the
Branch Membership or twice the total number of the Branch
Executive Committee members whichever is lesser.
(l) The Central Executive Committee shall withhold permission to hold Biennial General Meeting if a Branch fails to pay the annual quota of Ringgit Malaysia Three Hundred and Fifty (RM350.00) to the Persatuan and maintain membership registers and accounts satisfactory.
(m) All branches shall collect subscription as per Rule 5 and remit all entrance fees and Ringgit Malaysia Three hundred Fifty(RM 350.00) per-annum to the Persatuan. In the case of a newly formed branch, whatever subscription sent to the Persatuan prior to the inaugural meeting shall be refunded after off setting the annual quota for that year.
(n) All branches shall invest the subscription and other collections collected in fixed deposit at a bank named by the Branch Executive Committee. With special approval from the Central Executive Committee, the funds may be invested in other forms.
(o) The Honorary General Treasurer of the Persatuan and the Chairman and Treasurer of the Branch shall be signatories to the Branch fixed deposit account and no withdrawals shall be made without the countersignature of the Honorary General Treasurer. Interest may be withdrawn, from time to time, for administrative expenses, if the Branch so wishes.
(p) Besides the fixed deposit account, all the branches shall have the right to operate savings/current accounts in Bank as decided by the Branch Executive Committee. The Chairman, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer of each branch shall jointly operate the savings/current accounts.
(q) The Chairman, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer are jointly authorized to incur expenditure on behalf of the Branch a sum not exceeding Ringgit Malaysia Two Hundred and Fifty (RM250) at any one time but such expenditure shall be confirmed at the next Executive Committee meeting of the Branch.
(r) The Branch Executive committee shall have powers to incur expenditure exceeding Ringgit Malaysia Five Hundred (RM500) but not exceeding Ringgit Malaysia One Thousand (RM1000) at any one time. The Branch General Meeting shall have the powers to incur expenditure exceeding Ringgit Malaysia One Thousand (RM1000).
(i) The Chairman shall :-
(a) preside at all meetings of the Branch and have a casting vote.
(b) be responsible for the proper administration of the Branch.
(c) counter-sign all cheques or withdrawal forms.
(ii) The Deputy Chairman shall :-
(a) act for the Chairman in his/her absence.
(b) any other suitable duties assigned to him/her to realize the objectives of the Persatuan as stipulated under clause (i) to (iv) of Rule 2.
(iii) Vice chairmen shall :-
(a) assist the Chairman/Deputy Chairman in the performance of his/her duties.
(b) act for the Chairman/Deputy Chairman in his/her absence.
(c) any suitable duties assigned to him/her to realize the objectives of the Persatuan as stipulated under clause (i) to (iv) of Rule 2.
(iv) Honorary Secretary shall:-
(a) carry out the instructions of the Branch Executive Committee and the Chairman.
(b) convene Branch meetings and conduct all correspondence and keep
minutes of all General Meetings.
(c) keep an up to date register of members and all other documents.
(d) prepare an annual report of the Branch activities and submit them to the
Biennial General Meeting.
(e) prepare and submit all relevant and necessary documents for the purpose
of submitting to the Registrar of Societies, and to the General Secretary
within 60 days from the date of Biennial General Meeting.
(v) Honorary Assistant Secretaries shall:-
(a) assist the Secretary in his/her in normal duties.
(b) act for the Secretary during his/her absence.
(c) carry out any other suitable duties assigned to him/her by the Branch
Executive Committee.
(vi) Honorary Treasurer shall:-
(a) keep proper and accurate account of the Branch.
(b) prepare financial statements for each Branch Executive Committee
meeting and for the Biennial General Meeting.
(c) deposit all monies received into the bank account except for a sum not
exceeding Ringgit Malaysia Two Hundred (RM200) which may be kept
as petty cash to meet incidental expenses. The Bank account shall be in
the name of the Branch.
(d) make all payments on behalf of the Branch with the sanction of the Branch Executive Committee.
(e) submit copies of audited statement of accounts of the Branch to the Honorary General Treasurer at the end of each financial year and also the approved statements of accounts by the Branch Executive Committee from time to time.
(vii) The Auditors shall:-
(a) audit the books of account of the Branch as soon as practicable after the end of the financial year and certify the financial statements.
(b) have access to all the documents of the Branch in the execution of their duties.
(i) The Central Executive Committee may dissolve any branch if :-
(a) the Branch does not pay dues owing to the Persatuan.
(b) the Branch does not maintain proper register and records.
(c) the Branch acts contrary to the constitution of the Persatuan.
(d) the number of members is below 50 for a consecutive period of two years.
(ii) In the event of a Branch being dissolved all Members of the Branch shall be advised to join another branch nearest to their location without payments of additional dues.
(iii) The order of dissolution shall be signed by the Honorary General Secretary and served on the Honorary Secretary of the Branch concerned. On receipt of such order the Branch shall cease to function, and it shall be the responsibility of the Chairman, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer to deliver to the Honorary General Secretary all books, records, money and other property in the possession of the Branch from the last submission of accounts to the date of the order of dissolution.
(iv) If the Branch concerned is aggrieved by an order of dissolution it may, by notice in writing to the Honorary General Secretary within fourteen days of its receipt, lodge an appeal to the Biennial Delegates Conference. Notwithstanding such appeal, the order of dissolution shall operate until set aside, but in such circumstances the Central Executive Committee may appoint from among its members a caretaker committee to deal with the affairs of the Branch pending the hearing of the appeal.
(i) Where no special provisions has been made in these Rules for the matter relating to the management of the affairs to the Branches, the relevant rule relating to the management of the headquarters organization shall be followed in so far as it is applicable.
(ii) The Biennial Delegates Conference and the Central Executive Committee of the Persatuan may give instructions to the General Meeting or Executive Committee of any Branch regarding the management of the affairs.
(i) All monies and profits accruing to the Persatuan from participation in any investments shall be applied solely towards the furtherance, promotion and execution of the objects of the Persatuan and no portion thereof shall be paid by way of dividend, bonus or profit to any member of the Persatuan .
(i) Five trustees who must be Life members and over 21 years of age shall be appointed at the Biennial Delegates Conference and shall hold office at the pleasure of the Persatuan. They shall have vested in them all immovable property/ies belonging to the Persatuan upon execution of Deed of Trust. Their appointment shall be reviewed or reconfirmed at every Biennial Delegates Conference.
(ii) The trustees shall not sell, charge, pledge, transfer or deal in any manner of the properties of the Persatuan without the written authority of the Biennial Delegates Conference.
(iii) A trustee may be removed from office by the Biennial Delegates Conference on grounds of ill health, unsoundness of mind, absence from the country or any other reasons.
(iv) In the event of death, resignation or removal of a trustee, the vacancy shall be filled by a new trustee appointed by the Biennial Delegates Conference.
(i) Amendments to the Rules of the Persatuan shall be made at the Biennial
Delegates Conference or at a Special General Meeting called especially for the purpose.
(ii) The Central Executive Committee or by a resolution at Biennial General Meeting of a branch passed at least by two-thirds of the members present and voting at such Biennial General Meeting may propose amendments to the Rules of the Persatuan, and such amendments specifying the exact words of the proposed alteration shall be submitted in writing to the Honorary General Secretary at least 21 days before the Biennial Delegates Conference.
(iii) All proposed amendments shall be circulated to the Delegates seven days before the Biennial Delegates Conference of the Persatuan.
(iv) Amendments to the Rules of the Persatuan shall be adopted only if at least two-thirds of the Delegates present at the Conference shall have voted in favour of the amendments and they shall not come into force without prior sanction of the Registrar of Societies.
(i) The Persatuan shall not indulge in communal and religious disputes.
(ii) The Persatuan shall not indulge in any party political activity or allow its funds to be used for political purpose.
(i) The Persatuan shall not be dissolved except with the consent of not less than two thirds of the ordinary and life members of the Persatuan.
(ii) In the event of the Persatuan being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities incurred on behalf of the Persatuan shall be fully discharged, and the remaining funds and assets shall automatically be divided among the life members equally.
(iii) Notice of dissolution shall be given within fourteen days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.
No member of the Persatuan or its Central Executive Committee shall be liable for any loss occasioned by any error of judgement or oversight on behalf of the Persatuan or for any other loss, damage or misfortune whatsoever which shall happen in the execution of his/her office or in relation thereof, unless the same happens through his/her own dishonesty.
Any question or matter arising out of any point which is not expressly provided for in the Rules shall be dealt with by the Central Executive Committee except where that are contrary to or inconsistent with the policy previously laid down by the Biennial Delegates Conference. The decisions of the Central Executive Committee shall be binding all members of the Persatuan unless and until countermanded by a resolution of a Biennial Delegates Conference.
Members shall keep the branch Secretary or Honorary General Secretary of the Persatuan informed of all changes of the residence and address. All notices posted or sent to their last known registered address shall be deemed fully served.
In the event of matter not provided for in the rules, the Central Executive Committee shall have full power to act thereon and their decisions shall be final and unless countermanded by a resolution of a Delegates Conference. .
(i) Any member who acts in contravention of the Rules of the Persatuan or acts himself/herself in a manner prejudicial to the interest of the members or Persatuan shall be liable to disciplinary action.
(ii) In all disciplinary proceedings no member shall be cautioned, suspended or expelled unless, he/she has been informed first in writing of the grounds on which it is proposed to take action against him/her and he/she has been afforded a reasonable opportunity of being heard by the Disciplinary Committee appointed for such purpose as per Rule 14 clause (viii).
(iii) Any disciplinary action shall be taken only when two-thirds of the Central Executive Committee members present have voted in favour.
(iv) Any aggrieved member shall have the right to appeal against the decisions of the Central Executive Committee to the Biennial Delegates Conference whose decision shall be final.
(v) Suspension of a member shall be for a period of two years only, and he/she shall not enjoy any privileges during the period of suspension.
(vi) Any aggrieved member who has been expelled has the right to appeal against the decision of the Central Executive Committee to the Biennial Delegates Conference. The decision of the Biennial Delegates Conference shall be final and conclusive, and shall not be challenged in a court of law.
(i) The Central Executive Committee may make Rules for regulating the size, use and other matters connected with the emblem.
(ii) The emblem shall be of a heart shape with the words Malaysia Telugu Sangamu (in Telugu Language) and the words Persatuan Telugu Malaysia (in Bahasa Melayu).
(iii) The emblem shall contain elements relating to the objectives of the
Persatuan like uplift and safeguard Prosperity ,Education, Culture
and Music.
(iv) Blue colour symbolizing Peace.
(v) Red colour symbolizing Honesty.
(vi) Green colour symbolizing Unity.
(vii) Yellow colour symbolizing Constitutional Monarchy.
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Monday, February 9, 2009
P R E S S R E L E A S E 2006

We welcome all Media representatives to the above as scheduled for 8th February, 2006 at Lotus (State) Restaurant, Jalan Yong Shook Lin, Petaling Jaya,Selangor
The Association was first formed in Lower Perak, Perak on 17th July 1955 under the banner of Malaya Andhra Sangamu. Thereon from 16th December 1963 it was known as Malaysia Andhra Sangamu and later in 1983 as TELUGU ASSOCATION OF MALAYSIA (TAM), which is also known as Malaysia Telugu Sangamu and as Persatuan Telugu Malaysia .
The objectives are mainly to promote, preserve and safeguard the Telugu language, economic, social, cultural, spiritual, religious, linguistic and educational interest of the Telugus of Malaysia. It also encourage to foster the formation of co-operatives and other welfare schemes which of course create a sense of solidarity and fraternity among Telugus and other communities at large.
TAM is serving about 300,000 Telugu population in this Country. To date there are about 26 branches nationwide and a number of new branches are in the edge of registration. The Telugu people form the second largest ethnic Indian Population in Malaysia. The community had also worked towards development in Malaysia. They have maintained strong cultural values and love for their mother tongue had kept them together, TAM had the honour of hosting the Second World Telugu conference and Silver Jubilee in 1981 in Kuala Lumpur.
TAM is organizing International Telugu Cultural Conference in conjunction with its Golden Jubilee on 3rd till 5th March 2006 at International Convention Centre, Genting Highland. An array of events and cultural programmes have been outline to highlight the achievements of Telugus for the past 50 years or more which includes seminars, workshops presentation, fashion show and awards presentation.
This celebration is intended to highlight the achievements of Telugus around the World and to established a global network for Telugus worldwide in all aspects .
This event will be graced by the Prime Minister of Malaysia Y.A.B.Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and patronised by Datuk Seri S.Samy Vellu, the President of Malaysian Indian Congress. Guest of honour for this event includes Chief Minister Dr Y S Rajasekhara Reddy and key Ministers, artistes and cultural troupes of Andhra Pradesh. Delegates and guests include local and abroad as far as South Africa and USA.
MAS is the official carrier of delegates and guest International participants with special package to include attractive Air Fares, Transfers, Tours, Accommodation at 1st World Hotel and conference arrangements.
TAM has publicised this forthcoming event in local and foreign media globally We are also undertaken to forward the bulletins and flyers to all Telugu Association worldwide. Special representations of TAM had made official visits to the State Government of Andhra Pradesh mid of August, September 2005 and January 2006 seeking official participation, requesting Andhra Government, cultural troupes and cine artists for performances during the event proper and to encourage attendance.
TAM appreciates your presence today and for all consideration taken by your paper coverage and co-operation for this event.
Thank you.
Enkatesulu Juvalu
Vice President
Cum Organising Secretary
International Telugu Cultural Conference and Golden Jubilee Celebration
Telugu Association of Malaysia
GOPIO & TAM WEBSITE 1999 -2007
The Persatuan has an affiliation with GOPIO as to promote co-operation and communication between Indians living in Malaysia and other countries. I have being the representative at all the meetings, seminars and workshops of GOPIO from 1999 - 2006.
TAM Website: 1999 – 2007
It has been developed by Sri Krishna Kumar(USA),former Assistant General Secretary and later further by Sri Ravi(Guntur boy) maintained by Sri P Preman and Vimal Sri Govinda Rao was doing all the updates at TAM Website.
I am the coordinator our Association website in that years.
Enkatesulu Juvalu
Vice President
Telugu Association of Malaysia
TAM Delegation to Andhra Pradesh 19 – 29/8/2005 & WTA Committee Meeting
Online edition of India's National Newspaper
Wednesday, Aug 24, 2005
Andhra Pradesh
News: Front Page National Tamil Nadu Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Kerala New Delhi Other States International Opinion Business Sport Miscellaneous Engagements Entertainment
Advts: Classifieds Employment Obituary
Andhra Pradesh - Hyderabad
Malaysia Telugu Sangamu to celebrate golden jubilee
Staff Reporter
State Government, people invited to participate in the function
• The three-day festivities to include `Andhra Pradesh Day'
• Seeks assistance for maintenance of age-old temples in Malaysia
HYDERABAD: The Malaysia Telugu Sangamu (Persatuan Telugu Malaysia) has invited the Andhra Pradesh Government and people of the State to participate in its Golden Jubilee celebrations to be held in Kaula Lumpur in March next year.
The three-day festivities are to be held from March 3 to 5 and the second day is to be classified as `Andhra Pradesh Day' with cultural and literary activities showcasing the Telugu heritage. At a press conference here on Monday, the Sangamu office bearers - Achiah Kumar Rao, Venkatesulu Juvalu, Adi Narayana Rao and others said they wished to highlight the achievements of Telugus in the last 50 years, exchange information between Telugus living in India and other South East Asian countries and also establish linkages.
They sought assistance in maintenance of age-old temples in Malaysia. The Revenue Secretary, D.C. Rosaiah, said he would take up with the Government on providing necessary assistance to the association. The Malaysian Telugus (;, have promised a free tour of their country for those registering to take part in the celebrations.
The Delegation led by the Deputy President Dr Achaiah Kumar Rao followed Vice Presidents Sri Enkatesulu Juvalu,Athi Narayanara ,Sri Sree Ramulu, General Secretary Sri Appalanaidu Akiah General Treasurer J S Maniam and Asst General Secretary Venkatesah, National Youth Deputy Chief Sri Venkataravana and Selangor and Wilayah Chairman Suriaraya visited Andhra Pradesh met our beloved Telugu Chief Minister Dr Y S Rajasekhara Reddy, Sri M.Sathanarayana Rao, Minister of Sports and Culture & Cinematography , Sri D Prasada Rao, Minister Revenue & Rehabilitation and Youth Services and all other State officials to extend our invitation for Golden Jubilee Celebration in Malaysia from 3,4 & 5 March 2006 and to discuss to create better ties between Andhra Pradesh and Malaysian Telugus. Besides invitation , presentation were done to Sri Krishaniah, Secretary of Education who allowed sanction of Rs60,000 for Telugu books for malaysian Telugus.
World Telugu Associations Committee Meeting 10-11/9/2005
Dr Paul Naidu , president and myself (Enkatesulu Juvalu) represented at above meeting held 10 -11/ 9/2005 at the Jubilee Hall, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
International Telugu Cultural Conference and Golden Jubilee of the Telugu Ass. of Malaysia
I was the organizing secretary of the above. An array of events and cultural programmes were held for its International Telugu Cultural Conference in conjunction of Golden Jubilee of the Persatuan, from 3rd till 5th March, 2006. The event was graced by the YB Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu, Minister of Works, YB Tungku Adnan Bin Tungku Mansor, Minster of Tourism, Dato’ Ahamd Zaidi bin Hamidi ,Deputy Minister of Information, YB Tuan Vickneswaran, the Parliament Secretary for Youth And Sports and . Besides Dr Kesava Rao , President of All Committee Congress Party of Andhra Pradesh, Honourable Sri M.Sathanarayana Rao, Minister of Sports and Culture & Cinematography and other VIP’s and local and international besides about 1500 Delegates and 200 artists gathered for the above. The aim of the celebration was to outline and highlight the achievements of Telugus for the past 50 years and created better network, understanding among Telugus of World.
International Telugu Cultural Conference and Golden Jubilee of the Telugu Association of Malaysia
Telugu Association of Malaysia organised an array of events and cultural programmes in conjunction with its International Telugu Cultural Conference cum Golden Jubilee from 3rd to 5th March, 2006 at Genting International Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
This event was graced by Datuk Seri S.Samy Vellu, the President of Malaysian Indian Congress. Guest of honour for this event includes Sri M Sathianarayana Rao Minister of Culture from Andhra Pradesh, India who will be representing the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh.
The Golden Jubilee showcased the eminent history of Telugus, their colorful culture, customs, arts, music and literary works. An entourage of several cultural troupes from Andhra Pradesh will also be performing during the event.
The event acted as a conduit for Telugus around the world in exchanging ideas on mutual well being. Telugus constitute the second largest ethnic group amongst the Indians in Malaysia and had the honor of hosting the World Telugu Conference in 1981 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Malaysian Telugus played host to Telugus from all around the world consisting of prominent scholars, academicians, entrepreneurs, professionals in business and commerce, students, artistes and observers.
This celebration highlighted the achievements of Telugus around the world and to establish a global network for Telugus worldwide in all aspects.
Tthousands of visitors from around the world participated actively in this event and take time to visit all the wonderful scenes and sights in and around Malaysia.
Organising secretary cum Vice President
International Telugu Cultural Conference and Golden Jubilee
Telugu Assocition of Malaysia
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Andhra/ Telugu Association of Malaya/Malaysia Past main committee 1955 -2006
Year President Deputy President Gen. Secretary Asst Gen Secretary Treasurer
1955 K Siddiah V.K Dass M D Somunaidu N Durigiah
1956 K Siddiah V K Dass N Duragiah M Veeranaidu P Mariah
1957 K Siddiah K V Samy N Duragiah M Veeranaidu P Mariah
1958 K Siddiah K V Samy N Duragiah M D Somunaidu Veeranaidu P Mariah
1959 K Siddiah K V Samy N Duragiah M D Somunaidu B S Samudram
1960 K Siddiah K V Samy M D Somunaidu P .Mariah B S Samudram
1961 K V Samy N Duragiah M D Somunaidu T A Varahalu B S Samudram
1962 K V Samy N Duragiah M D Somunaidu T A Varahalu B S Samudram
1963 K V Samy N Duragiah M D Somunaidu Dr A C Apparao BS Samudram
1964 K V Samy N Duragiah M D Somunaidu Dr A C Apparao BSSamudram/PMariah
1965 Dr A C Apparao N Duragiah M D Somunaidu T A Appasamy Mon Laxmana
1966 Dr A C Apparao N Duragiah M D Somunaidu D V Sree Ramulu Mon Laxmana
1967 Dr A C Apparao N Duragiah M D Somunaidu D V Sree Ramulu R P Ramulu
1968 Dr A C Apparao N Duragiah M D Somunaidu D V Sree Ramulu R P Ramulu
1969 Dr A C Apparao N Duragiah M D Somunaidu D V Sree Ramulu R P Ramulu
1970 T A Appalasamy N Duragiah M D Somunaidu D V Sree Ramulu R P Ramulu
1971 T A Appalasamy N Duragiah M D Somunaidu D V Sree Ramulu R P Ramulu
1972 T A Appalasamy N Duragiah M D Somunaidu T A Appasamy R P Ramulu
1973 Dr A. C Apparao N Duragiah M D Somunaidu B Demudu R P Ramulu
1974 Dr A. C Apparao Monde Laxmana M D Somunaidu D V Sree Ramulu R P Ramulu
1975 Dr A. C Apparao Monde Laxmana M D Somunaidu D V Sree Ramulu R P Ramulu
1976 Dr A. C Apparao Monde Laxmana M D Somunaidu D V Sree Ramulu R P Ramulu
1977 Dr A. C Apparao Monde Laxmana M D Somunaidu D V Sree Ramulu R P Ramulu
1978 Dr A. C Apparao A S Krishamoorthy M D Somunaidu D V Sree Ramulu R P Ramulu
1979 Dr A. C Apparao A S Krishnamoorthy M D Somunaidu D V Sree Ramulu R P Ramulu
1980 Dr A. C Apparao Dr Krishnamoorthy M D Somunaidu B Nokiah R P Ramulu
1981 Dr A. C Apparao Dr Vijayan M D Somunaidu B Nokiah R P Ramulu
Telugu Association of Malaysia 1982 - 2006
President, DPresident Vice President GSecretary Asst Gen Secretary GTreasurer
1982-4 Dr A. C Apparao, Dr Krishnamurthy, Dr Dayananda,Abdul Rahman,P M Sundram
1984-6 Dr A. C Apparao, Dr Krishnamurthy, Dr Dayananda,Abdul Rahman,P M Sundram
B Nokiah J S Maniam ,R P Naidu, D V Sree Ramulu
1986-88 Dr A. C Apparao ,P S Ramunaidu, Y Krisnamoorthy,N B Lechumana,B Nokiah,
Mon Laxmana,R P. Naidu, D V Sree Ramulu
1988-90 Dr Krishnamoorthy, P S Ramunaidu, Paul naidu,Dr T M Appalanaidu, Krishnmoorthy
Mon Laxmana, J S Maniam ,G Appalanaidu ,D V Sree Ramulu
1990-92 Paul Naidu ,P S Ramunaidu ,Y Krishnmoorthy, NB Lechumana, S Venkataraman
Mon Laxmana, K Ramanaidu, J S Maniam ,D V Sree Ramulu
1992-94 Paul Naidu Monde Laxamana S Nooknaidu NB Lechumana J S Maniam BA Nokiah
A Appalanaidu ,KrishanaMoorthy ,D V Sree Ramulu
1994-96 Paul Naidu, R P Ramulu, S Nooknaidu, N B Ledchumana, Venkataramana, B Nokiah
KrshanaMoorthy, Venkatesan, D V Sree Ramulu
1996-98 Paul Naidu, R. P Ramulu, J S Maniam, N B Ledchumana, Venkataramana, B Nokiah
Venkatesan Enkatesulu J S Nook Naidu
1998-00 Dr Paul Naidu, B Murthy, Dr Praskah, N B Ledchumana, J S Maniam P S Ramunaidu
Venkatesan Enkatesulu Juval, J S Maniam
2000-02 Dr Paul Naidu B Murthy, PS Ramunaidu ,S Nook Naidu, K A Ramanaidu, Enkatesulu
Juval S Venkatesan, M E Maniam ,J S Maniam
2002-04 B Murthy, B Soorinarayana, PS Ramunaidu ,Sree Ramulu, R,Ramanaidu
I S Maniam, Ramanamah Gopi, Enkatesulu Juval, S Venkatesan ,Krishna Kumar
J S Maniam
04-06 Dr Paul naidu Dr Achiah Kumar Rao Enkatesulu Juval, Sree Ramulu,Athinarayanana
Rao Kantha Rao Dhanalaxmi Appalanaidu Akiah Venkatesan K R Ramanaidu
J S Maniam
Thursday, February 5, 2009
It has been decades the responsible broadcasting Medias failed to fulfill the cries of the Telugu community in this country. Over private TV Astro only two Telugu films and a drama serial of the 4 repeated serials are shown for every week and appealing and begging them and the answer we got was” since 90 % of the Indians are Tamils taking care of them is good enough” for them. TV 3 and ntv 7 almost nil for Telugu programmes. Annually RTM promised to telecast 3 Telugu films over TV 2 but for this year only one Telugu film was shown during Telugu New Year in the late month March 2003. After which almost the past four months we were appealing and begging but nothing has happened. In many occasions, either directly or indirectly we have been deprived the rights to even enjoy basic entertainment in our own mother tongue via the public and private broadcasting TV stations. Even attempts after attempts we merely face negligence with unconvincingly feeble excuses from responsible quarters. There is evidence to point at like the “Prima” channel which partly caters Hindustanis speaking viewer hardly half the population of Telugu society. Looking at the way this community is positioned we foresee the society on the track of mere extinction.
To this issue there is a solution, it is fair to ask as a minority group like the Telugus in this country should be allowed to see their mother-tongue languages programmes over TV (mention the name of medium??? the service name??? ) like some of the VIPs and some hotels being allowed at a reasonably fee annually.
Looking at the reality there are a lot of Satellite Dishes around the country specially in the border towns and Sabah and Sarawak.
or sidelined the minority groups like the Telugu community in this country.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Memorandum of the Telugu Education Fund
To : Central Executive Committee
From : Enkatesulu Juval
Vice President
Date : 7th October 2006
President / Central Executive Committee
At the past Central Working Committee meeting, the committee had agreed to allow the above proposal,if the Central Executive Committee is also in favour and to further table at forth coming Biennial Delegates Conference.
The objects for which above is proposed is as follows:
i) To receive, collect and administer monies, funds, grants
donations of every kind of education of needy and deserving
students of Telugu origin.
ii) To grant Aids for Education in the Malaysia Universities and other Institutions and schools of Higher Education in Malaysia and elsewhere to needy and deserving Malaysian students of Telugu origin.
iii) To invest the money of the Trust Fund in such investments, commercial ventures or undertaking as may be determined by the Board from time to time.
iv) To organise, carry out and support schemes for the raising money for Trust Fund.
My rational for proposing is timely and hope that will be considered favourably.
Thank you.
Enkatesulu Juvalu
Vice President cum Education chairman
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
History of Telugus in Malaysia
ACCORDING to some records in the National Archives, libraries, museums and other individual sources, Telugu emigrants first arrived in Malaysia as agriculture workers for private enterprise from Mauritius Island in the Indian Ocean.
The labourers were originally to be sent to Malaysia but were taken to Mauritius instead, much to their disappointment! They were sent to work in the sugar cane plantations there, and this was in the year 1835.
Original registers if immigrant labour exhibited for public information at the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial hall in Mauritius have been preserved at our national Archives in Malaysia.
An article under the heading leading Telugus in Early Malaya published in the New Straits Times on Sept 24, 2001, states that the first Indian Association in Malaya was initiated by a Telugu, A.Subbiah Naidu, in Penang in 1892.
The article, written by history professor Datuk Dr.Khoo Kay Kim of the University of Malaya said that and another branch of the Indian Association was established in Taiping in 1894. This branch was headed by M.A.C. Rao.
Organized migration
However, the Indian Association was not an active movement, and so one reverend Raju Naidu stepped in and inspired the movement. He revived the one at Taiping, which had ceased functioning, in April 1906.
Two other prominent Telugu gentlemen, J, AppaRao and V.Rajagopal Naidu, joined as committee members. Rev. Raju Naidu went on to register the association in Taiping as the Indian Association of the FMS, on April 1906. He formed another branch in lpoh on June 9, 1906 with 12 members. Sengarayan Naidu, a wealthy contractor from lpoh, contributed generously towards the association which was named the Kinta Indian Association (KIA). It remains active to this day. Sengarayan contributed much to the local community, not just to the Telugus, and he was honoured for this, In fact, a road in Ipoh- Jalan Sengalrayan- has been named after him.
Under the British Administration of Malaya, representatives from the various ethnic groups were chosen to sit in the Federal and State Councils. One of them was S.H. Veerraswamy, a Telugu who also became an accredited leader of the Indians in Malaya. He was a lawyer and a graduate from the world renowned University of Oxford. Though, few in number, these gentlemen were of an elite class. They strived hard to bring unity to the Indian community, without expecting any reward or personal glory. The Telugus kept a low profile. Many of them who had come to serve in Malaysia prayed significant roles as teachers, traders and businessmen, agricultural labourers and members of various professions.
Immigration from India in an organized manner commenced around 1907, and this was largely as a system of indentured labour to serve the rubber plantations that were rapidly opening up, and as labour for the building of public amenities and the provision of services. Along with them came the more educated group, to serve as clerks, teachers and other professions. The waves of Indian labour to Malaysia for the agricultural plantations and as general labour for public works began increasing so much and there was plenty of exploitation.
The British Administration then attempted to bring some sanity to the process by implementing an organized import of labour”. This took the form of legislation, known as the labour Code of 1912. Under this Code, the Indian immigration Fund was introduced, under which the following facilities were provided to the indentured labourers from South India:
Free passage to the Federated Malay states of Johor, Kedah,Perlis and Kelantan
Expenses for the recruitment of labourers and the maintenance of homes for workers were reimbursed
Quarantine and health facilities were introduced
Depots to process the labourers were maintained at Avadi, Madras, and Nagapatnam in south India and at Penang in the Straits Settlements.
The forgotten ones
Exploitation did not end. Another attempt at organized labour import was made with a fresh Labour Code in 1923, which introduced licenses for the so called Kanganis to authorize agents to recruit labourers under a :manageable: system called the Sanji Labour System.
This method was to better organise the collection of funds and make disbursements as duly authorised under the provisions of the 1912 Labour Code. However, the exploitations never ended, and in 1938 the Government of India decided to cease to allow emigration to the Far East.
Today, many Malaysians of Indian origin as well as those of other races may not know how the early Indian settlers suffered in the developing countries. They came from a fairly good life, hoping for better times. However, it dawned on them, especially those in the plantation sector, that they were just the “slaves” of a system devised to stifle their spirit.
They were provided with poor housing, unhygienic sanitary conditions, long working hours, poor wages and the list goes on. Many untold miseries were suffered by them, and inhumane abuses were hurled at them. They toiled on, undaunted, undeterred. They put up with oppression, suppression, poverty and sickness- what immigrants through out the history of mankind have faced. It was their tenacity of spirit in the face of hardship that saw them through to making immense contributions to the growth, progress, development and prosperity of Malaysia.
Telugu Association
In 1955 the Telugu community formed an organization called as Malaya Andhra Sangamu on 17th July 1955 , changing it later on 16th December 1963 and later on from 1983 as TELUGU ASSOCATION OF MALAYSIA (TAM), which is also known as Malaysia Telugu Sangamu or as Persatuan Telugu Malaysia in the national language. The principal objective of the Telugu Association of Malaysia is to unite and merge the Telugus of the country under one roof in an effort to promote the language and culture of the community, their interests and general well being and to foster goodwill and racial harmony among the communities of Malaysia. TAM is serving about 300,000, Telugu population in this country. There are, to date 26 branches nationwide.
Among its endeavours of TAM is Saamskruthika Nilayam (TSN), a cultural centre for Telugus situated in Serendah, Hulu Selangor which is purely depending on well wishers and donors. To name a few other ownerships, TAM has one Sri Venkateswara Temple at Sungai Sumun, Perak, a five storey building(Telugu Bhavanamu) in a strategic location in Kuala Lumpur, a three storey building in Kulim, an office space in Rawang, Ipoh, Skudai,Johore and a single storey building at Klang are among some of the assets in its possession. Specifically, the TAM has become a reality in the making and we are confident that others will play an effective role in making this project a SUCCESS.
PTM operates from its own premise at No 9-1A Udarama Complex, Telugu Bhavanamu, Jalan 1/64A off Jalan Ipoh, 50350 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Telugu Education in Malaysia
In 1960's there were more than 60 National Type Primary Telugu Schools in Malaysia .These schools were in Perak,Selangor,Negeri Sembian,Kedah, Johore and Pahang, as wherever there were heavy pockets of Telugu population.
Malaysian Secondary School Entrance Examination was then conducted in these schools just like in other primary schools. From 1985 till 1986, Telugu language was offered in OSC/MCE level while from 1968-1992 Telugu language was offered as an optional subject in LCE/PMR examination.In 1991 the Education Director then announced that optional papers such as Punjabi,Telugu and French would no longer be offered from 1993. because they were not in the Integrated Secondary School Curriculum but these subjects would be offered at SPM level. It was strange that Telugu language was taken away in LCE/PMR but to be offered at SPM level. But the Telugu Community was greatly disappointed when the promise to offer Telugu at the SPM level was not implemented. Till to date the Telugu language is not offered either at PMR or SPM level. Article 152(1)(b) of the Federal Constitution guarantees to teach or learn any other language.
Since 1993 no examinations were held for Telugu language. As a result, there was no incentive or motivation for the students to pursue the subject. Being already overburdened with exam oriented subjects, the students and even parents find it a burden for their children to attend the Telugu classes being a non-exam subject. Hence, the number of pupils attending Telugu Classes/Pupils own language (POL) had much dropped. But whatever case Telugu is still been taught at about 25 government schools.
TAM is encouraging POL classes by conducting voluntary classes in all 26 TAM branches nationwide, holding educational and cultural seminars/workshops and various other activities. But our efforts seem futile at times, especially among the younger generations. We only ask our mother-tongue which was here prior to independence and after independence till 1992 to be reinstated in PMR examination so that Telugu language and culture will not be decimated. Telugus have contributed significantly, to the rich cultural heritage of our nation. Loss of Telugu language and culture will be a dent to the rich cultural heritage of Malaysia. So, by including Telugu language in PMR/SPM it will facilitate our efforts immensely and it will spur us further in the promotion of Telugu language and the students too will be motivated to take the subject.
To maintain our the identity language is a must. It is the soul of our race. Your action will save the survival of Telugu community. TAM has faith and confidence in you that you’ll not let Telugu language and culture to become extinct in this lovely land. We have appealed to the Ministry of Education and the cabinet to reinstate Telugu language in PMR/SPM
The TAM’s newsletter ‘ Sanga Charyulu’ is published quarterly and carries news about the regional activities of the persatuan in both Telugu and English. Vice President Sri P S Ramunaidu compiles and edits the articles before distributing the newsletter to all branches.
Radio & Tv
About 1 ½ hour Telugu programmes daily are except on Sunday. During festive seasons especially Telugu New Year Ugadi special programmes were initiated and aired over national Radio Minnal FM and Tv Telugu songs request via SMS is on every Monday from 3.30pm to 4.30pm – MV space…..(message)…. 32770
Presently TV 2 has been screening three Telugu movies yearly. However for last two year only two Telugu films were screened. TAM has been appealed to the authorities.
Astro being a private pay R/TV station, it telecast Telugu movies and a drama serials weekly. TAM has been appealing to increase the frequency of the Telugu movies and daily serials.
MitV another second private pay channel has brought Maa TV, a Telugu channel from Andhra Pradesh and has been operational from 5/9/2005 in Klang Valley. The Telugus living away from Klang Valley are impatiently waiting to receive this Telugu channel.
Annually the Sree Venkateswara Temple at Sungai Sumun, Perak of TAM Lower Perak branch conducts Dasara and other festivals.
Telugus in Malaysia Politics
Among all the Telugus who are in politics, a number of them are found in number of committees and YB K R A Naidu is the only state assembly representative.
TAM also aims to encourage the use of the Telugu language in the country and to popularise Telugu literature and culture. It recognizes that attention is needed to revive, promote and expand cultural activities throughout the country.
It is now hoping to compile statistics of the Telugu populations in Malaysia, in order to use this information as bargaining power when meeting the authorities to seek opportunities for the Telugu people, which are believed to number around 3000,000 in Malaysia.
The association is also initiating several activities to raise funds in order to assist needy Telugu students to pursue tertiary education, locally and abroad. Another project of the association is to encourage the active participation of Telugu in business and in national youth programmes.
It plans to begin research to write the history of Telugu immigration to Malaysia and the contributions and achievements of early Malayan Telugus.
I prepared when I was the Secretary General of TAM with reference to "A historical Background of Telugu Migration to Malaysia from India" and edited by S. N Raj